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FERT_DIST - Fertilizer Details

Often the total amount of fertilizer in a growing season has been recorded, but no details of application dates, types of fertilizer,etc. This function allows a user to specify rules for fertilizer application in a region.


these data to be applied to all fertilizer events:

these data are specific to each application: (must have “num” pairs of these data)

Implicit Inputs (i.e., available in the data)



FILL, FEDATE, FERT_DIST(), 2, FE005, AP002, 10, 14, 33.3, 45, 66.7

These data are obtained from the database:

FEN_TOT = 60 kg[N]/ha (from data object)

PDATE = “19820312”

The function produces the following two urea fertilizer applications at 14 and 45 days after planting, with fertilizer broadcast and incorporated to 10 cm.


More Samples:

The following DOME spreadsheet is using this function. Machakos Overlay DOME

Dome functions page
